Starting with Christmas we began a 2+ week vacation with various people, including other volunteers, my dad, brother, and my mom. It was a nice break from everyday life in Chinandega and an opportunity to show my family,whom I had not seen in about 16 months, what Nicaragua is like. We traveled from Chinandega and the beaches up here and near Managua, to Granada and Volcán Mombacho, to visit my host family and buy some pottery in San Juan de Oriente, and down to the Laguna de Apoyo, among other places. Other than a few "traffic fines" paid to the local police (Remember, when you get into an accident here, you don´t get hurt, you die! Right, Andy?) and some missing luggage, I think everyone enjoyed seeing where we work and live. Plus, they got a chance to leave the cold and snow of Minnesota and Washington D.C.!

The first of two visits to Montelimar. This one for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with Mellisa, Caitlin, and of course, Jenny. Talk about a different Xmas than what we are used to in Minnesota. Instead of snow we had pools and beaches and all the food and drink we wanted!

At the pool at Puesta del Sol Resort on the beach north of Chinandega with my dad, brother, and Jenny.

My dad, brother and I enjoying our balcony at Puesta del Sol.

Back in Chinadega in front of our house with my mom,Amy, Caitlin, and Caitlin´s mom who was also visiting.

My mom and I in front of the sign for Volcán Mombacho beforing we rode to the top. It was raining all the way up this very steep road to the top, I think that was only the second time I was ever really cold in Nicaragua.

Jenny and my mom looking out at Lake Nicaragua below from one of the viewpoints near the top of Volcán Mombacho.

Jenny, who is known for her love of church interiors in Nicaragua, standing inside her favorite in Granada when my mom was here.
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