Well, it has been quite awhile since we have written! Since our last blog, we have gone to the United States and it was glorious! I was so excited to go, and it lived up to its expectations. We did so many fun and great things. First, we went to our friends Courtney and Nate´s wedding. It was really fun and a great way to start off our trip. And it was the first time that we have looked nice for over a year and a half!

Courtney and Nate had a female minister. Our friends here thought that was strange. We don´t just for the record.

Later, we also went to my stepbrother Aaron´s wedding. Here we are with my stepmom Luann in downtown St. Paul. The twin cities are so great! We also had a really good time at this wedding, as it was also very beautiful. That tornado warning didn´t stop us, even if we were told to move away from the very large windows to the back of the room. There was still beer.

Aaron and Kara got married at the James J. Hill Library. When we got back we showed the pictures to our Nicaraguan friends who thought it was so funny and strange to get married in a library. They told me, more than once, oh you gringos really love your books! You even want to get married around them! If you get bored at the wedding, you can read. Followed by laughing by everyone but me. I tried to explain how beautiful it was, but it was lost in cultural differences.

Another favorite pasttime that we have missed was lawn games. Here is Jeff with Renee playing Bag-O. A favorite.

We also enjoyed our favorite local beer, Summit. We have really missed good beer, as there are about 2 options here, both leaving something to be desired. Unless you are a Miller or Bud Light fan, well then, you might be pleased with the beer here. Notice, I am wearing 2 sweatshirts. It was that cold!! (the following pictures are ripped off from Veronica, thanks!)

Jeff also taught some signs that are popular here in Nicaragua. We were remembering that goal number 3 of the Peace Corps is to educate US citizens about our host country. Jeff was on the clock here, giving a short charla on nonverbal communication. We did also go to Southside Family School and give a presentation on our experiences here in Nicaragua. This nonverbal presentation was not included.

We also relived some oldies, but goodies.

And we drank more good beer! Guiness, I miss you....oh, and I miss you too Shaun.

We saw a lot of family and friends and went to 2 twins games! We also ate out at all of our favorite joints. We had a really great time.
Since returning to Nicaragua, Jeff and I have both judged an English singing competition. I judged one for an elementary school where the second place winner was a little 4th grade boy who sang ¨My Heart Will Go On¨ by Celine Dion while wearing a suit and tie. Just thought I would mention that....
Well, at any rate, we are back in Nicaragua and we have 5 months left here. Our replacements are coming next week. And, just for the record, its still really hot here.