Fish Story!
About a month ago I got the opportunity to go deep sea fishing. Our old sitemate, Ernie, who is working for Peace Corps now in Managua, invited me to go along with him and his dad, that was visiting, and another former PC volunteer from Ernie´s group, down in San Juan del Sur. This was the first time I have ever got to do anything like this, probably cause I suck at fishing. We went out with 2 guides and the 4 of us for the whole day. The guides provided everything, food, drinks, all necessary fishing equipment, etc. All we had to do is get ready. I was the 3rd person to get a chance to reel one in. The first two were good sized fish, but it took them maybe 10 minutes to reel them in. Just my luck when it was my turn I got what seemed to be a good sized one also.

It took me a good half hour to get this fish in the boat. I struggled through fatigue, cramping, and my swimsuit falling almost all the way off me(nothing like showing your ass to everyone on the boat when you are trying to reel in the big one!), because of my weight loss here, but I didn´t let go of that pole. And the results were this...
When we got back to port the guide cut up all the fish. We took about 1/6 of the meat from the fish I caught and brought it to a restaurant owned by a chef from California. He cooked it up with some veggie, mashed potatoes and a sauce on top. It was really good, (even Jenny ate some). Here are the catches from the day, minus one which is still in the boat. The two others are Mahi Mahi.

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