Daily Life
Everyday pictures of us. Me cooking stir fry, well it sort of tastes like stir fry anyways. Anytime Chinandega has broccoli we get really excited, and buy it. I don´t know who this counter is made for because I am about the same height as most Nicas (or taller) and this is really ridiculous. Who is that tall that cooks in Nicaragua? Certainly not men.

One month to go until we have been in country a year. Before we came, I read a lot of blogs and a lot of the time the girls complained about the cat calling and hissing of the men. They talked about how it bothered them and I thought....get over it, grow used to it, and similiar things. Wow, there is no way of knowing how much it will drive you nuts until you are actually here. I hate it. There are days when I dream of punching people in the face when they hiss at me. Once and student said ¨Goodbye my love¨to me at the school. He wasn´t in one of my classes and didn´t really know me. So I walked up to this kid, I had had it that day I think, and told him that he could call me Profesora instead of my love and that he needs to have more respect for me and women. He was super embarrassed and apologized profusely. I wish I could do this to every man that offends me, however I would never make it to school because I´d be giving small charlas the entire way. Today when I was walking home, I was lucky enough to hear ¨Hey baby. I love you. I want you. I want to f**k you.¨ But what can you do. I have to live here for more than another year and if I say something back to him I could be putting myself in danger, especially since I sort of stick out around here and he is bound to recognize me the next time he sees me walking around. You can be having the best day and then hearing something like that, or even less offensive, can bring you down to a really low low. Just like that. Its so offensive and I´m super sick of being sexually harrassed whenever I walk around. They even do it when I walk around with Jeff, but not as bad. Anyways, thats just me venting.
August is coming! And with the end of August means we´ve been here for a year. Whoo!